Type: Association management system, Complex CPD system
NZCPHM is the professional body representing the medical specialty of public health medicine in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Public health medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the assessment of population health and healthcare needs, the development of policy and strategy, health promotion, the control and prevention of disease and the organisation of health services.
NZCPHM had an existing College management system, however this had limitations that was hindering progress. A process was therefore implemented to explore options that would better cater for operational needs in years to come.
After a rigorous RFP process, Stream was awarded the project to redevelop the NZCPHM website and related management system, including membership management, Training Programme management and an advanced Continuing Professional Development (CPD) system. This is one of the larger projects that we've undertaken in the Association Management space and one of the most rewarding.
Main Features
The streamSWEET platform has given NZCPHM a single, fully integrated solution. It has delivered on 5 primary fronts:
- Public facing website
- Membership management system
- Training programme system
- CPD system
- Many smaller systems, such as resource tools and committee management
This collection of tools supports NZCPHM with it's quest to improve the quality and equity of public health medicine in New Zealand. This includes covering internal needs, and also supporting a close relationship with the Medical Council of New Zealand.
A major achievement of the transition was near seamless import of data from an existing system. The team was able to interpret and manipulate reasonably complex and sometimes incomplete data, filling gaps and morphing it into a starting point that meant the user base experienced minimal disruption when the new system was released.
Implementation Highlights
The new-look website compliments NZCPHM's brand position, all with a clean layout that is easy to navigate. An added touch was introduction of vibrant colours to highlight 'Kiwi focused' imagery that strengthens core values of the organisation.
Website Management
Management of website content is now easily handled using the suite of website CMS tools made available. This covers HTML content, database driven 'templated' content and business outcomes from use of the various systems. These include:
- Full control of page content
- Download files / resources
- Submissions
- Event listings
- News
- Newsletters
- Forum
Membership Management
All participants in the College programmes must belong to NZCPHM in some form of Membership capacity. There are many levels, each geared to suit the relationship of the person as they progress through the various phases of growth.
The starting point is to run through an application process. This is a comprehensive screening system, with a highly competitive selection process. Applicants are able to steadily enter, upload and collate their application content before finally submitting it, while staff are able to review and process the applications using online admin tools.
Ongoing, fees are charged annually using the built-in batch processing system to create and send invoices. All transactional handling is completed within the website, so members can easily see their membership and order history. They can pay using online Credit Card or bank transfer. Behind the scenes all financial outcomes are integrated directly with the MYOB accounting system keeping administration rapid and simple.
Training Programme Management System
The normal journey for a Member of NZCPHM is to complete a two phase Training Programme that is accredited by the Medical Council of New Zealand, and then to continue in the long term as a Fellow.
Basic Training is the first phase and is University based study leading to completion of a Master Public Health degree. It is expected to take 16 months of full time study. The new website provides for detailed management of this programme for both the Registrar and Administrators alike. It includes
- Listing all the University papers
- Monitoring progress and recording outcomes of every paper
- Summary and detailed scheduling
- Recognition of RPL (Recognised Prior Learning)
- Management of interrupted training
- Management of part time study
- Tools that actively manage required progress reports, from scheduling to upload and review
- Dedicated management reporting
- Final review and management of successful completion of the programme
Advanced Training is the second phase and is experiential learning carried out by employment at approved training sites as well as participation in other relevant training activities outside the work site. It is based on 29 months of fully time activity. The online tools provided support all the equivalent features noted for Basic Training, and also includes:
- Work placement management
- More comprehensive reporting infrastructure
- Assessment management, from scheduling, uploading, and the full assessment process
- Recognition of College led training
- Exam entry management
The vision of the system is to automate as much as possible. To achieve this goal we drive for a consistent approach with high levels of self-help for all participants. The final outcome is increased levels of service with lower administrative overhead.
Continuing Professional Development - CPD System
On successful completion of the training programme members may be accepted for Fellowship of the College. The medical profession sees fast paced change plus there is always room for ongoing personal growth, so Doctors who became Fellows are required to carry out a prescribed level of continuing professional development (CPD). In NZCPHM this is the Tracking of Professional Standards programme, more commonly referred to as the TOPS programme.
The TOPS programme is based on a 3 year cycle, with annual requirements and cycle requirements. The detailed CPD engine provided includes these features:
- Graphical dashboard summarising KPIs
- Online self reporting of completed activities, including complex points rules
- Ability to upload supporting evidence with activity completions
- Ability to split points over more than one areas of competency
- Ability to upload annual plans
- Detailed Multisource Feedback Survey system
- Management reporting
- View of dashboard info, as the participant sees it
- Full auditing system, to identify and review selected participants
- Manage leave requests
The TOPS system presented additional challenges with structural changes to the system required for a new TOPS cycle, and a need to accommodate specially reduced targets in recognition of Covid affected times. All were handled within the system.
Minor Features and Custom Needs
This site contains many more sub-systems and customised elements:
- Member Directory
- Member Projects
- Committee System
- Dashboards
- Mentors
- Feedback system
- Employment listings
- Staff Listings
These combine to round out an overall package that is central to successful operation of the College.