Type: Association management system
The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) supports their industry with ongoing professional development. Their Registered Continuing Education Programme (RCEP) is entirely run through a web solution developed by Stream in 2010. It targets Engineers, Architects and Surveyors, giving a central resource for them to find and record their continuing education, and then to report their achievements to their various US State Licensing Boards so they can retain their professional licenses. It also supports the education providers with delivery of learning offers, and employers with managing staff needs.
The RCEP system has been running since 2010. It is nearing a count of 100,000 signed up professionals and has over 100 Registered Education Providers. This is a system with wide functionality and numerous features.
Recently ACEC recognised that time has marched on and so they were eager to pursue options that would modernise the interface and add more features to maintain its market leading position. It was determined improvements should focus on 4 main areas:
CPD is a streamSWEET system for tracking Continuing Professional Development and is at the heart of this solution.
The CPD System comes integral with the Content Management System, and was included in the project. Customised roles were used to govern account and login profiles for CPD attendees and providers.
The revised solution included:
1. CMS - Rework the Front Presentation
There were two primary aims with the rework:
1. Modernise the website look so it presents as a system which is immediately credible within the current design trends.
2. Give practical design change so the website works well on mobile phones and tablets for common needs (responsive design).
Included in the scope the following improvements were also added, with a responsive user interface.
2. CMS - Upload Supporting files:
Self reporting pages were extended to allow file upload in support of completed CPD activity. A disk storage strategy was developed that ensured ongoing support of these uploaded files in a reliable manner. Ability was also included to provide for users to download their uploaded files when reviewing a learning completion.
3. CPD - Custom Reporting functions:
A system was built to allow compilation of uploaded files into a single zip file or PDF file. The system also allows a templated email to be sent to the relevant state licensing board to ensure the correct information and supporting docs were included, on a pre scheduled date if necessary.
4. CPD - Automated Reminder System:
Users have to deal with many State Licensing Boards, including differing dates on when they need to report through in order to maintain their professional status. These dates are typically years apart for any given Licensing Board, and so users can easily forget when they need to report their ongoing learning. A system was built to allow the user to configure their account so they can receive reminders leading into their renewal date, across multiple states, giving users options around when and how they get reminded.
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